Friday, January 16, 2015


So when one decides to choose the undertaking of a gargantuan monster such as the PCT, you begin to think... Where do I get started??? One thing is for certain, you should be frequently going to  and get your reading on... dum da dum da dum.. get your reading on .. get your reading on (sing that to Missy Elliot's "get your freak on"). 

So after reading and figuring out that it really is only going to take about 6-8 months of planning.... you realize that you can't just pack up and leave tomorrow,  and that this is really going to take some serious thought and methodology. 

Food and Water.. I mean... that alone makes me go... how long can my body last on a cliff bar? Where do you get water in a desert?!! Can you hike at night? Snakes!! Why does it have to be Snakes!!?? Do snakes slither at night? Obviously I'm going to need to learn a lot more about snakes and channel my inner Indiana Jones on that one. 

So far Alison and I have broken up the PCT planning into several parts.

Food Drops with MPDs (Miles per Day)


Glamping it up with Friends and Trail Angels 

There is a little more involved with each which I will expand upon in some up and coming posts.. so stay tuned!

Oh and I do have some good news.. we have a new addition to this journey!  Her name is Goldie and I couldn't be more thrilled! Now Alison can share the weight of the journey... kind of nice when your trekking 2,500+ miles!

PS.  I invite you to check out 98.6 degrees The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive! By Cody Lundin
Link to Book

-End of Blog-

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